Northern Ireland's Infrastructure Minister, Liz Kimmins, has announced a phased review of taxi policy and legislation, beginning with Class C taxi licensing, which includes wedding cars and Uber.
The incident, which occurred in Abergavenny on 27 February, 2021, also saw Griffiths "charge like a bull" at a police officer attempting to arrest him, punching him in the head.
The teenager alleged that driver Dennis Nutt had been rude and dismissive during the journey, referring to a "junkie" over the radio, which she believed was directed at her.
The case centred on whether Bolt’s app-based services, where it acts as principal in supplying transport from self-employed drivers, should qualify under TOMS.
Herefordshire cabbies are reportedly earning huge sums from council school contracts, leading to claims they are neglecting other fares and leaving residents without nighttime taxi services.
The home-to-school transport (HST) service, which caters to approximately 6,000 special needs pupils and costs Kent taxpayers around £70 million annually, has become a target for fraudulent activity.
The incident, captured on video and obtained by CornwallLive, shows the woman attempting to purchase tobacco after crashing her taxi into forecourt bollards.
The proposal aims to provide more choice and flexibility for the taxi trade, support local garages, and stimulate competition to potentially offer better value for money services.
From mid-April, local authorities in England will start to receive their share of the Government’s record £1.6bn highway maintenance funding, including an extra £500m - enough to fill 7 million potholes a year.